Engineering Blogs
Our engineering blogs are written by our engineers after conducting internal projects on teardown and should costing of specific products. Most information and images in our blogs as well rest of our website are from our own internal projects or are heavily edited and disguised versions from our projects.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Advanced Structures' advantage against -
Management Consultants
Our core value proposition is a technology based solution built on xcPEP platform. We can execute large activities in a reasonable time frame at a relatively frugal cost. All our solutions are based on hard data and transparent analytics.
Sustained engagement with us ensures that inefficiencies do not creep up and external help won't be required to clean them from time to time.
Engineering Services Companies
General purpose engineering manpower and tools lack severely when compared with Advanced Structure's pure play processes, team and xcPEP software platform.
Our competitive edge here is massive because of our technology and process advantage.
Your Internal Team
Typically, our customers are manufacturing companies which do not have the incentive to create such capabilities at scale.
Even large teams do not have access to technology like xcPEP which is why their outcomes remain relatively simpler in nature and smaller in scale.