Engineering Blogs

Our engineering blogs are written by our engineers after conducting internal projects on teardown and should costing of specific products. Most information and images in our blogs as well rest of our website are from our own internal projects or are heavily edited and disguised versions from our projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

1Do you provide benchmark database?
2Will you refer past data from other projects to generate cost saving ideas?
No, we will only use data and analytics from your own projects for delivering outcomes to you.
3Do you conduct training sessions?
No, we do not conduct training sessions.
4Do you provide manpower to be deployed at my office?
No, all our projects are fixed price, fixed scope activities and billed as such.
5Can my team join yours when you're doing the project for us?
Yes, as and when required, your team can join us for your projects.
6Can you help set up these capabilities at our end?
Yes, we can provide xcPEP on a license basis, create workflows, migrate past data and train your team for performing benchmarking, should costing and cost reduction activities at your facility.

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